It's Wednesday (again!)
Funny How Wednesdays come once a week and all.
Well, have been rather busy - worked at ACAP all last week. Then this weekend I went to dinner with Tyler and some of our friends. We also sang a few songs at notabong (remember the hotel like karaoke rooms?) then on Saturday Tyler and I went shopping (hey everyone I have someone to Shop with!!!) and I think I spent about 5 bucks. Nothing too outlandish anyway!!
Then Sunday we went over to my friend Lenka's for a dinner party, and there were four couples... It was very nice to be at a dinner party. We ate some really good food (Lenka and Dan grilled these awesome shrimp which somehow re-wired my brain and I now like shrimp. I even ate some at a restaurant on Tuesday night too for dinner, I know, can you believe it?!?) and we drank a lot. I had some really amazing liquor from the Czech Republic made from plums. Pretty cool stuff. Somehow we all ended up going to notabong again. Twice in a weekend is a little much for me, but what can you do?? Then Monday Harland and I went to visit Seoul. We pretty much stayed in the hotel (ahem, eating jellybeans and watching movies, Hi Mom and Dad!!) and we ate at the restaurants in the hotel. The Dragon Hill Hotel has some great places to eat.
We also went to see the Davinci Code, well, we wanted to actually see X-Man3, but even though they say they released it here, it isn't coming to theaters until June 15. DaVinci Code was kinda lame, so much for the summer blockbuster it was supposed to be. But it was even less fun for us, since the characters speak French and Latin often in the film (and did I hear some Italian maybe?) and the subtitles were all in Hangul. D'oh! Teach us to see an American film in Korea!
So anyway, here are some pictures.
Here is a sunset from Camp Casey from Friday...

Here is a picture of some movie posters, including DaVinci Code.