Monday, May 22, 2006


So not much really going on. I am in a contest for knitting blogs, it is called the amazing lace. So I spent a lot of time on my blog over there tonight. If you are interested there is a Korean totem pole and a picture of my lace and me stuck in Seoul traffic. I don't think it will win, it isn't as creative as I would like. Blogger is hard to deal with when you want to do something other than stick with the format and you are not really all that familiar with HTML code.

It is a blah day. The Red Cross was hectic today and a little stressful. I guess that is the way it goes somedays. Also it has been pouring since about 10am. Here is a picture of today's dreariness. You can't even see the top of the small mountain. You can barely see the bottom of it. Yuck.

I also have had a lot of computer problems today. My computer wouldn't send Red Cross e-mails today and it also was spazzing out on the other Red Cross programs. Then I came home and got frustrated with this computer! They certainly know how to gang up on us. Current score: Computers 2, Jessica 0. Whew. Such a day.

Most of you know my cousin was supposed to be here, but unfortunately Bobby couldn't come. I think that might have added to my bad day too. Not that hanging out in soggy Dongducheon is the pinnacle of fun-ness... But I think he would have liked it. I am hoping he'll be able to come next month instead, so cross your fingers (and toes if you're able) for me. I really like it here in Korea and would love to share it with someone. I don't think I am ready to leave yet... And it looks like we are out of here July 13th. I know Harland is tired of being here, but I could stay here for a couple of years and be happy. Sigh.


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