Monday, May 08, 2006

Part 6 - the night parade

Well I had a really nice weekend. Friday we went to a really nice barbeque restaurant in the middle of nowhere called "Beaver's". It was a really nice night - not too warm or cold. There were still some blossoming trees around... and we sat outside on the porch. Because it is in the middle of nowhere, there is a great view or hills and farms. We had American style pork barbeque, baked potatoes, pasta salad, corn, and cole slaw. All very tasty. It was a dinner for Abigail who is leaving here for Iraq (she is in the Red Cross). So Later on I will have some pictures of that for you... they are nighttime cell phone pictures so they aren't the best.

We went to Seoul (in the pouring rain) saturday afternoon. It poured from friday night at 10 until about 5pm on saturday. And it isn't even monsoon season yet. But yesterday was beautiful and clear. We stayed in a different part of Seoul called Kang-num and it was neat to hang out in a different area. We also saw Mission Impossible 3. We have been dying to see an American Movie in A REAL MOVIE THEATER... and so it was okay. Koreans don't always get American humor so there were a couple of times we snickered and no one else (in the sold out theater) laughed. It was a huge theater and in Korea you get assigned seats. we had terrible seats - second row... but that is because we only bought our tickets 3 hours in advance (hey - it was saturday night!)

But enough blabbing - you're probably only here to see some parade pictures anyway. :)


Blogger Susan said...

great night pix!! :)

5/09/2006 7:47 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

These pics did come out fairly well. But a bunch came out really blurry. :(.

hi Rick!

5/12/2006 6:08 PM  

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