Wednesday, May 03, 2006

part 4- more of the fair

So when you are cooking dinner for a military man, you never know if he'll be home to eat it. I'm just sayin' is all.

Anyway - more photos from last weekend. Don't worry there are plenty more where these came from. Depending on what we do this weekend, these might go into next week! Wow!

1st up today - Fan Dance pictures. This is a very traditional, beautiful dance that Korean women are known for.

Here are some pictures of some traditional weaving and basket making.

And this little guy turned his head as I was trying to snap the shot. He's like the Philly Fanatic combined with a Chinese New Year Dragon.


Blogger KBlicious said...

what amazing costumes!!! those fans are gorgeous!

5/04/2006 12:01 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

hey you could open a basket-weaving booth! :)

5/09/2006 7:46 AM  

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