Wednesday, May 10, 2006

what a day!

Whew I am wiped out! First take a look at this article. Be sure to read it all the way through!

Okay enough fun - I am tired. I think it is because I ran out of allergy medicine and they have none at the PX except for Benedryl which if I took it - would only make me more tired. Whew. That PX seems to never have what I need. Remember when we had no forks? No sets of silverware? Not hot pads? well now they have moved on to run out of other stuff - like fans and allergy medicine.

It is going to rain... very dark outside. I know I said I was going to post about H's helicopter ride... but I am too tired. I need to take a nap before he comes home.
(yes I realize it is already 6:15pm... but I need a nap in the worst way.)


Blogger Jessica said...

Hi Rick, glad you liked my fake newspaper article. And look what a great blog poster you have become. Tofu is tastier than accupuncture any day. So you're coming to Korea June 10th? Maybe you'll get your picture on the blog = wouldn't that be something?

5/12/2006 1:37 PM  

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