Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday's over, the weekend is here!

Well I must admit I do not have much to report today. The most exciting thing I did all day was learn how to knit with 4 needles at once (see my knitting blog if interested!) The link is one the side over there <-------.

Anyway, I promised some pictures... so here is one that is a close up of the outside of a palace. Isn't it beautiful?

And here is a picture of us in Guam from last summer. This one was on Harland's computer so it was not in the picture album.

Cheers and happy weekend!!


Blogger Susan said...

nice sunset!

3/25/2006 4:26 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I miss warmth. I miss Florida terribly, but I hear Alabama is hot too. Too bad it is only going to get up to the 40's this week.

I need to see a tropical paradise!

3/25/2006 7:25 PM  

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