Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Shawl is done

Whew. One thing done. I can now sleep in peace. Click here

Now I only have about 6 errands to run before 4pm tomorrow.
We have a mandatory cocktail hour at 6, dinner at 7pm.

I am anxious because I have never been to one of these things, and I have had two answers to the question "what is the dining out like" one is "oh it is really funny if you're drunk" and "I hate going to these kind of things". No one has really told me what it will be like.

I'll give you a report.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yayy..the shawl looks good. Let me know how the whole dining out thing goes. I need all the help I can get. Have FUN!

3/09/2006 9:48 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

I posted this to my elections blog but thought I'd cross-post here to ensure you'd see it. (By the way, thanks for posting a comment to my blog!)

The Pentagon offers an electronic transmission service that serves as a relay: it forwards e-mails from service people to fax machines of election officials ... and relays faxes from elections officials to the military personnel's e-mail account.

Of course, ideally, we would work on a secure Internet voting solution - and hopefully that will be implemented before long.

3/11/2006 11:03 AM  

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