Tuesday, March 07, 2006

my first day off!

Well today was my first day off work and it was exciting. Today I went to a Korean Hospital. not for me (breathe sigh of relief here) but for a friend's child who had some kind of mouth infection. Poor kid. I went to a yarn store today too (yarn is expensive over here) and if you are interested in that I am going to direct you to my knitting blog click here!!.

Also I saw Eric "the Lego guy" on TV today!!! He was on Ripley's Believe It Or Not. I think this must've already played on US TV, a long time ago - but he made it to the Armed Forces Network today at noon. I was very happy to see a face I knew (I know that guy, I used to drink coffee in the same place as him when I graded papers at Taylor's Bakery! I saw the Mona Lisa he did HANGING. I had to tell everyone seated at the table at least 3 times). My only brush with celebrity.

So it was a pretty exciting day off. Also some jets were playing tag over the base for about an hour, that was (LOUD) like a free air show. Very fun day all in all. Now, if you'll excuse me I have less than 3 days to knit up a shawl so I had better get cracking.



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