Wednesday, March 08, 2006

another day off, are you jealous yet?

Anyway, today I had another day. I knitted some more on the shawl and I met Harland for lunch. I also tried to open a bank account and I tried to get paid, but those were less sucessful attempts.

I did work out and I jogged 2 miles (add your applause and encouragement to my comments to help get me to three miles soon). At the gym there is this Korean guy (100% Korean, not Korean American) and he has arms the size of LL.Cool J's. He must be taking something, I mean Asian's don't just bulk up from hitting the gym a few times a week, is all I'm saying.

Anyway, back to the bank account... I can't get one until my husband comes with me. Ugh. I understand when he has to be there regarding Army stuff (like for my ration control plate and gas mask) but for a bank account? For a bank of america bank account? I mean really. It just makes me mad. Lucky for me I have a loving husband... but what if I wanted to save up to get away or something. My friends who work in Domestic Abuse... does this seem right to you?

So I guess we will try and get an account later. I want to get one because my job hasn't put me into the direct deposit system yet. And I don't want my paycheck getting lost in the mail. Not that I have a check, as I alluded to earlier... my paperwork got messed up and I won't be getting paid until monday (boo!). I tell you what... when I work for a company that gets all my paywork in, without messing it up, I will work with them forever... I haven't had one yet.

Sorry this is a complainy e-mail... tomorrow will be better!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Drop me an e-mail or two.


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