Tuesday, March 14, 2006

This week's forecast...Yellow Dust

Weather in March is always odd... the freak blizzard that may occur in the North East... the tornadoes that may occur in Alabama... the day it is finally warm to hang out at the beach in Florida in your swimsuit... the day that the yellow dust starts to come from China...

The yellow dust from China? On Sunday it looked really eerie outside. I asked Harland if he knew if Korea had tornadoes because the sky was a weird tint of yellow... but the weather report had only partly sunny skies!

Then on Monday when I was walking (in the bitter cold and wind, thank you) I noticed all the cars were covered in dust. I just thought it was the wind kicking up the ever-present grey dust. But no. We are getting dust from the Gobi Dessert in China.

This is the weather report for today from the Arirang News' website (the english TV station). This is a direct quote.

"Strange day today.
Conditions were just not what we would have liked. First of all, it was cold. Second of all, it was dry. Almost no relative humidity and last but not least there were parts of Korea that were affected by the Chinese dust from the Gobi desert.
It definately wasn't the best day.
Some good news, tomorrow it wont be as cold as it was today."

Now I don't know how you feel about weather, but whenever the news people say something's strange, it can not be good.

Here is a webpage with photos of the yellow dust from 2001.CLICK HERE TO SEE

But really all I know is that the dust is sand particles from the Gobi desert with some pollution mixed in, so it is not a good thing to breathe and many people get respiratory infections from it. I have spoken to several people who say this dust storm wasn't that bad and there will probably be more in the next month or two. They were surprised it was this early in the year. hmmm. So i am certainly glad I stayed in on Sunday and most of the day yesterday.

Today is pretty clear so no worries.
Have a happy dust-free day!


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