Monday, February 06, 2006

Harland's gone

Harland just left for the field a few minutes ago. He will be out for an exercise until next monday - so it is a week of boredom for me. Today was pretty eventful, though, so I guess that makes up for it. Right now I am microwaving a frozen dinner, which is less exciting.

So today I had an appointment with the ACAP office - they are the people who help soldiers transition into civilian life. I met a woman who worked there, and she told me they are looking for someone to hire as a "firebrigader" which means I am like a substitute. I'll come in when other people int he office are sick or on vacation. It isn't very steady work, but it seems up my alley (I'll be helping soldiers write resumes, and I used to teach resume writing) and so it won't be something I'll have to learn quickly.

The cool thing is someone will go on vacation next monday and be gone for three weeks - so for a while it will be like I have a job! So that is nice, it will give me a little extra spending money.

I am kinda glad to ahve a job like this because that means I can still travel and such on my own.

So that is exciting. Today is also exciting because I got a few packages in the mail. One was some things I ordered to complete my secret susan project (SSP). So that is cool. Once she receives it I will post a picture of it. It won't be for a while though. I also got a package from susan and it had in it the coolest gadget I have seen in years. Crafty and Scrapbook friends, perk up you ears (well eyes) - she got me a sticker making machine. Any piece of paper can now become a sticker AND be scrapbook safe. The possibilities are endless! ENDLESS!

So the only blight of the day is that I am eating my microwave dinner in front of the computer with no husband around.

So send me lots of e-mails this week, folks!


Blogger Susan said...

the SSP, which belongs to the SSPP category. tee hee. I myself have the SJBBP variety of the SSPP.

2/07/2006 5:27 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

I gues it could be the SPSP as well.
Hee hee

2/07/2006 8:46 AM  

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