Tuesday, January 31, 2006

still no job, no apt!

Well, Technically we'll be moving things into the apartment tonight. So we'll have an apartment soon. But as for the jobs - none yet. I'm going to call some people tomorrow about some leads.

Our landlady is very nice and is letting us move furniture from one of her furnished apartments into our unfurnished one. Yeah! And she says she even has a TV that she will loan us. She is the sweetest!

I got a cell phone today and so have been spending oodles of time playing around with it. It is an incredibly cute, small, black and shiny phone. It has lots of different sounds, games, pictures, features, etc. Korean phones really kick butt. It is way cooler than my US phone. And it takes pictures which is fun. The pictures are not really all that good, I got one of the less expensive phones so it has no flash.

The thing I like best about it, is when you flip it shut, it has these cute sounding Korean kids saying something and giggling. I could wear it out, it is so cute. I'll have to ask someone who speaks Korean about what they are saying.

Anyway - that is really all that is new so far today! On Thursday I am going out to dinner with some of the other wives in town. It will be a "mushroom and beef" restaurant. I really do not know what that means, but I'll have a special friday edition of my blog (to make up for the fact I absolutely had nothing to post yesterday!) and I will tell you all about it.

It snowed a tiny bit this morning and was all melted by noon. I didn't get a picture of it. It looks cloudy out right now, so maybe it will snow again... although I hope not when we are moving stuff.

Hope all is well with you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm happy you are getting furniture and a tv... sleeping on the floor stinks!

As for the phone, did you get it from the "Happy Phone" people? They always seem really excited about selling phones to Americans! Either way I am happy you have a new toy!!

Keep us posted on the "mushroom and beef" place!

2/01/2006 1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jessica! Michael here. I just wanted to say hi and thank you for keeping me posted through your blog. I'll be sure to keep checking it - and to let you know how things are going here in Kentucky, too.

2/01/2006 3:22 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Tyler, I am not sure they were the happy phone people. You'll have to point them out to me when you come over. :) I do enjoy my new toy quite a bit!!

Hi Michael!! Good to hear from you! I am so excited you are reading my bloggity blog!! Yeah!!! How is Kentucky treating you these days!? E-mail me!
Love you two.

2/01/2006 7:31 PM  

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