Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Subway!

Here are some shots of the subway (which made me look like a tourist, and embarrassed Harland a little, so you better enjoy these!).

I wanted to take Harland's picture, but he insisted he should make it look like an action shot. Don't let him fool you, he isn't really pointing to anything. He's pointing to the wall behind the tracks. I think this is at Yaksu Station.

Here is a picture of a subway train coming. They move rather fast, hence why it is all a blur. This is a different station than the picture of Harland.

Not that anyone really uses these unless the station is extremely crowded... Here are some waiting lines. The people getting off the train get off in the middle, the people waiting to get on the train get on either side of the people coming off. If you look carefully at the picture above you can see the black arrows pointing in both directions. In this next picture you can tell which way we are supposed to go with the same type of black arrow. Only really busy stations seem to have the blue waiting lines. They are certainly needed during rush hour.

Here is a mural in one of the stations (Itaewon Station) as you leave the station. All along these stairs are different murals, but this one of the subway is my favorite.

The station at Noksapyeong decorated for spring with some Azaleas. Sorry it is blurry, but when I took the picture with a flash it was too dark and you couldn't see the colors of the flowers.

Well, Hope you enjoyed a mini tour of the subway!


Blogger Susan said...

Of course in the US if someone put pots like that on the stairs, someone else would trip over them and sue the first someone... gah! ...Tell Harland next time he does a supposed action shot, for more authenticity and to make us all happy: show some abs!

4/04/2006 9:08 PM  

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