Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Out a window...

Well here is another installation of the weekend trip to Seoul Keep in mind it was rainy most of the time we were there... until we were close to Camp Casey (of course!).

Here is us in the hotel before going to dinner. Aren't we cute?

Here is a view from our hotel window. I am interested in what is being built in the pit (see left hand side of picture) across the way.

Here are some shiny buildings in Uijongbu. Korea, especially near Seoul, has a lot of shiny buildings. They're so pretty when the sun is out. I took this picture out of the bus window. We actually had a decent driver on the way back on Sunday. Usually I will do anything to get out of taking a bus, because the drivers are just on this side of sanity. This guy actually honked when he was running the red lights so no one would pull out in front of us. And he didn't stop as suddenly as some at the bus stops.

This is a grand opening for something. I don't know what the business is. It must be a very profitable one since there are so many flower baskets. Usually a grand opening will have one, maybe two here in Dongduchoen. So this must be something really cool. Also taken out of the bus window.

It is hard for me to explain to y'all back home what the apartment buildings in Korea usually look like (I am lucky mine is so small). This reminds me of the movie Bladerunner a bit. Almost all of the urban Korean population live in apartment buildings, and the majority of them all live in buildings like this. I think the field in front had either rice or wheat in it and has been cut - getting ready for spring!


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