Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I won, I won!

In honor the father from "A Christmas Story", who just recently passed away... "I won, I won, it is a major award!" It's not coming tonight, though. :)

Well okay so it isn't really a major award for me either, but I did win something. In my internet travels into the knitting world, I came across Vogue's Knit 1 blog site. You can go visit it right here. My knitting pal Sean turned me on to the magazine.

Anyway, I entered a contest on a whim and I won a little knitting bag that you can take with you when you travel (convienent, no?). I am excited because when I get it, I will be able to take my knitting on the subway or bus when we go to Seoul. If you want to know what it looks like, go over to this site.

It is a good morning when you wake up at 5am and realize you got something cool. I can hardly wait for it to get to me!!


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