You'll probably never hear me say this again...
but tonight I was craving beef, so Harland and I went out and had ourselves a heck of a dinner. We finally used the money Grandpa gave us for Christmas to go out to eat. I don't know exactly how much we ate, but we ate a ton of food. There was kalbi, salad, coleslaw (korean style), radishes, cucumber kimchi, regular kimchi, kimchi pancakes, spinach kimchi, and bean sprouts. Whew. I seriously have no idea how we ate it all. It was so incredibly yummy. I think I ate over a steak's worth of beef. Good thing I have started working out again!!
We now have a bed and a dresser in our apartment so soon we will be actually staying there on occasion. :) Plus we have Korean TV there and so today we watched Shrek on Korean TV. What I like is when they play American movies, they put the subtitles in Korean so we get to hear the original sound. One funny thing was on the channel called "super action" they were playing the movie Home Alone. That isn't exactly what I think of when I think of an action movie.
I haven't written much lately, because I was sick. All I did last week was go to work, come home and eat and then clean up and go to bed. It was a very boring schedule. I am feeling a lot better now and only have a cough. I think next weekend (March 4,5th) we will be going to Seoul so I should have some really good pictures to post all next week. This week I am not sure how much time I will have to write again because I'll be working all week. After this week I will only work a few days here and there so I will have more time to blog.
I mentioned going to the gym, I am working on getting back into running. I have a plan adding on small bits of running to walking everyweek and in 8 weeks I should be running back up to speed. I'll keep you posted on how it is going, that way you'll keep me honest and I'll feel guilty if I slack off. Harland has me lifting weights too. That I am less fond of.
Here is another picture of food. Remember a few weeks ago when I ate some triangular things? Well, I said I would post a picture of "normal" kimbap. So here is the picture of the normal kimbap. This one is a little different because it has spam in it instead of cooked beef. But this entire plate only costs 3 bucks, which is amazing. It is a lot of food.

Some people out there are giving me some flack about all the food pictures, but they are really easy to get. Food is a nice, colorful, willing to pose subject for photography. :)
And I didn't mention it earlier, but my AUNT PATTY and my friend EDDY PACKARD both had recent birthdays. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Well off I go to wind down for another week at work!
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