More food - Yakimandu!
Okay friends...
Sorry it is another food post, although I really have no idea what I'll post tomorrow! Tomorrow I will be starting my new part-time substitution job which will be full time for the next three weeks. I am excited to work with Lenka one of my new friends I have recently met.
Okay I posted a while back that I had manduraymon soup. It was spicy with dumplings and raymon noodles. Well the old awesome food site I had sent you to is having picture hosting problems... So I guess it is up to me to show you some mandu.
Yakimandu is when the mandu are fried. This is usually a side dish or an appetizer or a snack.
Mandu are very thin skined dumplings and they contain a mixtre of pork, leeks, cellophane noodles, and spices. There is usually a lot of blackpepper involved.
Here is a bunch of mandu on a plate, you can see that they are about 2 inches long and half an inch thick.

Here is a closer up picture of one split in half.

and here is another picture. I tried to make this one closer up, but the camera refused to co-operate with me.

How was your first day at the job?
Funny I leave my work on Friday & you start today....
We got 18 inches of snow this weekend!
Dwayne arrives WED!!!!!!!
Wow, those look alot like potstickers. Which I have heard are a great cure for Prozac Constipation... This of course comes from a wife a Yale medical proffessor so it must be true. More on food, Kim Chi made it onto an NPR report for it's Anti-Avian powers. Although I know where I heard it first.
They are a lot like potstickers. I had no idea they were good for prozac constipation, adn I probably will have no use for that information. :) Crazy Yalies.
Katie, Bet it is super fun to have Dwayne back!
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