Thursday, January 05, 2006

Almost there!

Hello! Only a week and a day before I start my travels to Korea. I am excited. A little bit nervous. And very anxious to see Harland!!

I just got back from CT. My relatives live there and it is nice to see them, but because of bad weather and busy schedules I didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked. My cousin Lisa's child, Nicky, is very cute. Big beautiful brown eyes. And very smart. He helped me hand out the Christmas presents AND threw away all the trash. He's only a small fry - 18 months and he can do all that!

Now if someone could promise me I'd have a cute kid, with a laugh that makes me laugh, and he/she will clean for me... I'd have a kid in a second. Hear that Harland?

It also snowed in Connecticut while I was there - but not as much as what the weather people were predicting. Boo! I wish I could have made a snowman. But I did get to shovel on New Year's Eve! At least I got to muck around in snow a little bit.

So that has been my time up North. Hope all of you have had nice relaxing moments with your families as well. I'll be back on e-mail again so feel free to shoot me some mail. I may write on here again before I go to Korea, but when I get there, I will post so you don't have to worry about me.

Good luck to those of you who have to start the semester next monday! May all your students be merry and bright.


Blogger Susan said...

I'm going to try to remember to dig up my favorite quote about kids - well one of my favorites anyway. Stand by SP!

1/08/2006 9:09 AM  
Blogger Ed said...

Oh ... I see how it is. Those of us without a semester beginning don't get well-wishes of good luck?


Well, I hope your trip to Korea goes splendidly. I will await word to know you arrived safely when you get there!

1/10/2006 1:17 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Poor Eddy.
Best of luck to you too.

1/19/2006 10:55 AM  

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