I am alive, honest.
Hello, I haven't blogged in a while. I would feel bad about it except this is the Korea Blog and - well, I am no longer in Korea. If you didn't catch all my adventures, you can click onto the archives and catch up.
I am settling down in Northern Virginia nicely. Right now we are staying with some friends of the family until we can move into our own place. Even though I have been here now for a week and a half, I am still blown away anytime anyone mentions housing costs. Can you believe people are willing to pay $400,000 for a one bedroom condo?!? I don't even want to talk about real bonifide houses!
I am still on the job market, but have some interesting interviews coming up. So that makes me stay sane. We also discovered we live really close to the Manassas Battlefield, so I can hardly wait to go there. I am thinking if I should start another Blog, but I don't know how thrilled you would be if I took pictures of my food from Don Pablo's or Cracker Barrel as you might have been about the Korean food. So now I am going to stick with my knitting blog. I may add my running adventures in there too... since I have taken up running again. I'll probably add some battlefield pictures too. So if you want to stay posted - check up on me at my other blog www.yuknitwit.blogspot.com
And just to add one last picture...
Here is a picture of my family from when we went to Connecticut. I have no idea if they want their identities put out there, but you know who Harland and I are. I will protect the names of the innocent. The not-so-innocent is Beaujoulais - he is the white dog near the center. Just kidding, he is a good dog.

So Good Luck everyone, Thanks for sharing in my Korean Adventure.
Rock On!