Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rain, Rain, go away

Well it has been Weird Weather here in Camp Casey. The cherry blossom pictures sure do deceive - they make it look warm and lovely here. In fact, yesterday I saw SNOW FLURRIES on the way to work (it was 36 degrees at lunchtime) and today we have had massive scary thunderstorms all day. You know - Alabama style thunderstorms. The kind you DO NOT want to go outside in and each lightning strike is so loud it could defribilate a heart attack victim.

So that is what is new here. I am ashamed to admit I have not finished the other orange sock (to go with the one I showed off on here). I of course, in typical Jessica style, have started a new sock. This one is a real sock, made of sock yarn.

But I won't bore you with the details in case you are a person who does not like knitting.
(for all of you who do, check it out on my other blog

But since I feel weird leaving you all without a picture so here is my attempt at a cool close up of my sock in progress!


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