Sunday, April 16, 2006

Cherry Blossoms

It is cherry blossom time here in Camp Casey. We were planning on going to Seoul, to see the blossoms there - but Harland has gotten a pretty nasty cold, and now I am coming down with it (gotta love being married!) and so we decided against it. But here are some pictures I took today on the way to the grocery store.

There are cherry trees lining the main roads here on Camp Casey - so everywhere you look, there is a line of white. It is especially nice riding the bus through the trees. Also I noticed that there was a lot of spring green splotches on the mountains, it looks like the tree leaves might be coming in!! Here's to spring!

And also - Happy Easter. A friend gave me some camouflage eggs to fill will Jelly beans. And, well, I couldn't find a basket, so tuperware had to suffice. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Easter, those eggs are too cute!

4/17/2006 11:03 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Hi katie!!
I hope you had a great Easter too! How is Ft. Hood treating you guys? Do you have a perm. address yet?

4/18/2006 7:06 PM  

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