More pictures!!
Tonight when I was at the gym, I saw a clip of a hockey game. I think maybe perhaps Bruins(?) as I am not up on hockey playoffs this year... Anyway in the crowd was a MAN WEARING A WHALERS JERSEY!!
How cool was that?! Are the whalers coming back? Is this guy just playing it cool? Please do fill me in! I miss the Whalers!!!
On a more somber gym note, I need to get back into shape. I am trying to run a 5K on my birthday. Well not a race, mind you - just me running 5K for fun. I hope I can find some fun runs in the DC area when I get over there. Maybe I should start a running blog?? I'll be lost without two blogs to update!! Anyway I weigh more now than I ever have which is quite depressing. But with running back on my plate it is a start in the right direction. Maybe when I get back to the states I'll go back to being vegetarian... I was a lot thinner when I was running and eating veggies. It is almost impossible to be a vegetarian in Korea... Everything has meat in it at restaurants.
Anyway - after all this babble (see what a glimpse of the Whalers do to me?) here are some pictures!! I call this collection "taken from a bus window":
rice patties...

a study of a guardrail, some bushes, apartments and a mountain.

P.S. Isn't it weird that when I spellcheck here in Blogger... it does not recognize the word "blog"? A little ironic.
Jess I'm a little behind on the blog but the Carolina Hurricanes (ex Whalers) are playing in the Stanley Cup and I guess somebody from Hartford can't let it go.
hey I like your blog, can you do me a favor.
I am re enlinsting back into the army after being out for a little while, anyway can you give me an update as to how are the barracks over on camp casey now? I was there back in 93-94, so I am eager to learn how they have changed. I am going to korea as my first assignment and if I get casey I just want to know how the barracks are now, ie do they internet connections available, cell phones to call back home and stuff like that, thanks
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