mondays (bah!)
Hello! Everyone at work today must have forgotten to do laundry, and only had "crankypants" clean - because that is what they were wearing!! It must be a monday. Plus I had two icky things happen that annoyed me (and I am in a pretty good mood). 1. I spilled my soda and fries onto the floor at the PX at dinnertime while a soldier Harland knows watched (d'oh!) and 2. I had to tink (that's knit backwards... those knitting people are pretty funny) about 6 rows of my newest sock to get rid of a mistake.
Harland is down in Seoul taking care of our friend Charles who had 4 wisdom teeth pulled today (ouchies). So I will be all alone (boo!).
But that means - extra time to knit and blog! (yay!!)
So here are some pictures from the other weekend. The first is a picture of a sunset out of the hotel room.

These next pictures are of the riversides of the main river in Seoul. It is a pretty big river. I will have to get more facts for you on exact measurements. It takes a long time to cross. One of the coolest things about Korea is on the river floodplains on both sides, there are parks where you can bike/walk/play basketball/play soccer/rollerskate/etc. They have these on almost every river. We should have more public space like this in the United States. Also if you are so inclined you can plant gardens alongside the rivers. I will try to tkae pictures of the gardens near here another day.

Hey you weren't all alone... you had me to share the misery of spilled fries and a drink, and you did get new fries for free... so it wasn't a total wash of a day right!!
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