Friday, April 28, 2006

Just slightly different

So I was walking along today... and suddenly had to stop and back up. Was that a white dandelion I just saw? And sure enough it was. With a yellow center. Like it was trying to be a daisy or something. Pretty neat.

It is pretty dreary out. I can not tell if it is dusty or just going to rain. I guess we will see. Here is a cell phone pic of the dandelion.

Stay tuned to this blog, there should be some awesome pictures up here on monday if everything goes well this weekend. There is a lantern festival and it is supposed to be really really neat. One woman I know said when she went last year it was the coolest sights she has ever seen in Asia, and she lived in several Asian countries.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a neat photo! I was surprised to read it was taken with a cell phone. I wonder if a white dandelion is an anomoly or if it's a naturally occuring hybrid like the pink dandelion.

4/28/2006 6:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how cool!! It's just my style ;-)

That photo's amazing! I can't believe it's a cell phone pic! Must be the photographer...

Thanks so much for sharing!

4/28/2006 7:16 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Mamabear - I really don't know about this dandelion at all!! I just noticed it in the sidewalk on the way to work.

PD- It must be the Korean technology! Actually it only takes good pictures if there is a ton of light. Luckily the sun peaked out on the way to work this morning!

4/29/2006 12:57 AM  

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