Thursday, December 08, 2005

Just for you

I thought I would try and post a picture to satisfy those who keep checking back on my blog.

If you are checking out this blog before I go to Korea, I say "yeah to you!" You're awesome for keeping up on it. Your reward is a picture from Gyeonbokgung Palace. Gyeongbokgung was the main palace during the Josen Dynasty (which occured from 1392-1910).

Gyeonghoeru pavilion is where official banquets were held and is pictured above. When I was there the water was iced over. I borrowed this picture from Teresa, my sister-in-law.
If you are interested in seeing more of the palace, here is a website that has some pretty pictures.

I am getting a lot more excited about going on my trip - soon the semester will be over and I will be on my way (or on my way to being on my way!!) I re-read my journal from when I went over last winter, and that just perked me up. Lately I have been a little down from the stress of packing up - so it nice to be getting excited again!


Blogger Susan said...

Fun pic! You are rockin' SP!

12/08/2005 4:12 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

fun new colors!

12/08/2005 6:10 AM  

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