Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Coming Soon!

I will be posting my own journey in Korea as well as cool cultural tidbits I pick up - right here in this very Blog!

I will not be arriving in Korea until the middle of January, so obviously there will not be very many postings here until my plane arrives. So bookmark this site and then check back in the middle of January. (Once I know the exact date I will post it). Sometimes this site needs to be "refreshed" to see new entries, so if you come back in mid January and only see this blog entry, hit the refresh button on your browser.



Blogger Susan said...

hi SP! Anxiously awaiting the launch of your news on here :), tho obviously NOT anxiously awaiting your requisite removal from Auburn. :(


11/17/2005 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Can't wait to read your exciting posts! Maybe I can get some tips for when I get there!


11/17/2005 3:15 PM  

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